Hello Lovelies! I had gotten tired of my old blog layout so I embarked on an entire overhaul of the blog, and I'm loving my new look! I thought it would be fitting if my first post after the makeover...
Posts by GirlChickBetty
Hello Lovelies! Pastels are tricky creatures, I swear I've worn this polish before with just two coats, but when I swatched it today I was up to four and still patchy before I gave in. The flash in...
Hello Lovelies! I wanted to keep L.A Colors Color Craze Spring Flirt on for a bit longer, so I used it as a base for these cute 3D nail decorations I received from Born Pretty! These are...
Hello Lovelies! It seems like L.A Colors have really stepped up their game lately! Usually crellies from brands like this have horrible formulas, but I really love L.A Color's, I've been meaning to...
Hello Lovelies! I've had this color combo bouncing around in my head for awhile, and I finally got it out onto my nails! This started off with a base of China Glaze In a Lily Bit, and then I stamped...
Jason & the Argan Oil Review and How to Keep Lush Shampoo Bars From Crumbling
Hello Lovelies! I discovered the awesomeness that is Lush a couple months ago, and this is the very first thing I bought, the Jason & The Argan Oil solid shampoo bar. It has an absolutely amazing...