Do you have useless vintage perfume bottles full of stale perfume but you can’t bring yourself to get rid of them? Have I got the DIY for you! I finally got around to reusing my vintage Avon perfume bottles so I can finally display them on my vanity instead of having them crammed in the attic.
How to Reuse Vintage Perfume Bottles
I can usually avoid Bath and Body Works and their lovely scented but unattractively packaged perfumes. But every year they have their annual 75% off everything in the store clearance, and I always find myself bringing home a few more because I can’t say no to a good sale.
Then let’s add all those frumpy body sprays that always come in bath and beauty gift sets around the holidays that family members always seem to buy, and I’m left with a drawer full of ugly plastic bottles that haven’t seen the light of day in quite a while.
About five years ago, I started collecting Avon bottles and ended up with an oversized collection that just ended up getting pitched into our attic (probably not the first time these got thrown into an attic ?).
I used to hit up estate sales and garage sales like crazy each summer. People are usually dying to get rid of these, let alone get any money for them so I picked up a ton of vintage perfume bottles in no time flat for insanely cheap. I don’t remember exactly what I paid for the ones shown here, but I most likely paid under 2 bucks for these four bottles.

How to Clean Out Old Perfume Bottles
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