Starrily Poisoned Apple Swatches

Hello Lovelies! I have another swatch from the depths of my picture files from back when I still had long nails! This is Starrily Poisoned Apple, it's a holographic deep raspberry pink, in the shade...

Orange is the new black

Hello Lovelies! I've been wanting to try out L.A Colors Color Craze Hottie, and today's theme was "white base", so I painted this skittle mani!Hottie is looks more coral toned irl than here, for some...

Throw some glitter, make it rain

Hello Lovelies! Today's theme is use three green/yellow polishes. I went for green, I started with a gradient of Zoya Giovanna, Zoya Stassi, and The Color Workshop Forest. Then I layered on a coat of...