Late night posts: rosewater toner

Good evening lovelies!

I’m a lil’ late on writing up this review, so here’s a quick run down on this lovely rosewater.

I’ve been lazy in my skincare routine lately, I’ve been just washing my face with a charcoal bar soap and then moisturizing with jojoba oil and that’s it. No serums, toner, or even lotions.
So I’m getting back into using my assortment of “lotions and potions”, and the newest addition to my routine is Joyal Beauty’s Rosewater. I was sent this to review about a week ago, and I’ve gotta say, I’m surprised by how much I like it!
Rose is one of my favorite scents, and the mist is rather refreshing! I use 3-4 pumps each go round, and the bottle is 4oz, so this will last me a good while. I still favor using witch hazel as my go to toner, but this is a strong runner up!

Pop over again in the morning!

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